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Treatment of underlying language impairment to overcome perseveration: A case study | Journal of All India Institute of Speech and Hearing



Vol 37 No 1 (2018)

Treatment of underlying language impairment to overcome perseveration: A case study

How to Cite
S.P. Goswami and Rachel C. Francis. (1). Treatment of underlying language impairment to overcome perseveration: A case study. Journal of All India Institute of Speech and Hearing, 37(1), 55-63. Retrieved from


Perseveration has always been a challenge for Speech-Language Pathologists working with patients with adult language disorders. With the recent theories
and approaches towards treating perseveration, treating the underlying language processing diculty (Moses, Sheard & Nickels, 2004) has shown some
evidence to help persons with aphasia (PWA) overcome verbal perseveration. Therefore, the task lies in understanding PWA language processing abilities
and where the block in the processing is occurring. Based on this theoretical background, this paper presents a case of Broca's Aphasia with severe perseveration.


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