Influence of Delayed Auditory Feedback on speech disruptions in typical Kannada (L1) - English (L2) Bilinguals
- Delayed Auditory Feedback,Language profciency,Language familiarity,Attention control.
The study examined the speech disruptions under the in uence of Delayed Auditory Feedback in typical Kannada (L1)-English (L2) bilingual adults as a factor of language familiarity and L2 language prociency. Nineteen typical Kannada (L1) - English (L2) bilingual adults in the age range of 18-30years (M =2, F = 17) participated in the study. Speech disruptions under
DAF was analysed for the tasks of reading passage and answering the questions across L1 and L2 of the bilinguals. Speech errors under DAF were analysed and categorized into three major subtypes which included articulatory, repetition and other errors. Results revealed greater speech disruptions for L1 which was the most familiar language of the participants. The pre dominance of a speech error subtype was contingent on the stimuli task of the study. Language prociency in L2 in uenced the articulatory errors of L1 wherein Low Procient (LP) group showed higher frequency of speech disruptions compared to the High Procient (HP) category. Additionally, low procient speakers showed insignicant dierences between the speech error subtypes across the languages for the task of reading passage. Results are discussed in the light of semantic satiation and allocation of attentional re- sources for monitoring the ongoing speech under the in uence of DAF along with a possible implication of the ndings to the selected clinical population with speech disorders.
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Delayed Auditory Feedback [Android Application developed by Boostlabz],
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