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The Time factor in aphasic evaluation - a pilot study on the w.a.b. | Journal of All India Institute of Speech and Hearing



Vol 24 & 25 No 1 (1993 & 1994)
Dissertation Abstract

The Time factor in aphasic evaluation - a pilot study on the w.a.b.

How to Cite
S.B, J. (1). The Time factor in aphasic evaluation - a pilot study on the w.a.b. Journal of All India Institute of Speech and Hearing, 24 & 25(1), 83. Retrieved from


In Aphasia research tests designed to probe the "many different levels" of language processing have become more refined in the past decades. Lexical decision making, monitoring masking and other on-line tasks are continually being improved. Even data from so called "simple" or classical language tasks such as repetition, spontaneous speech and naming are now being reinterpreted along numerous dimensions.

