Vol 24 & 25 No 1 (1993 & 1994)
Dissertation Abstract
How to Cite
K.N, S. (1). A Test of word-finding abilities in children (hindi). Journal of All India Institute of Speech and Hearing, 24 & 25(1), 65-66. Retrieved from
There has been a dianostic gap in the assessment of wordfinding disorders in children. Although professionals have long been aware of this expressive
language disorders in children (Johnson & Myklebust 1967; Denckla & Rudel, 1974; Wiig & Semel, 1976), until recently there has been no standardised
diagnostic measure and assessment. This gap has been particularly evident to professionals responsible for providing diagnostic and remedial services to
children with linguistic disorders. As Weigel-Grump & Dennis (1986) state