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Pitch and amplitude pertrubation in 8-year old children | Journal of All India Institute of Speech and Hearing



Vol 24 & 25 No 1 (1993 & 1994)
Dissertation Abstract

Pitch and amplitude pertrubation in 8-year old children

How to Cite
S, S. P. (1). Pitch and amplitude pertrubation in 8-year old children. Journal of All India Institute of Speech and Hearing, 24 & 25(1), 57-58. Retrieved from


Voice production is a complex process involving precise control of a series of events in the peripheral phonatory organs by the central nervous system.
Fluctuations have been observed in normal voice production which increase to a considerable extent in pathological voices. These fluctuations in voice are
termed as pitch and amplitude perturbations or jitter and shimmer respectively which have attracted the attention of several researchers.

